
Ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016
Ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016

ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016

Only nationalist parties and the non-sectarian Muslim (PKB party) play a significant accountability in local policy making. Denpasar's Islamity is not the result of any Islamist policy. This ranking shows that shocks from Bali's recent past –the Bali bombings of the early 2000s-have not had any deep impact on the Islamic variables in Denpasar. Denpasar was ranked third, after Yogyakarta and Bandung. Those cities are ordered according to safety, welfare and happines.

ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016 ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016

In May 2016 the Maarif Institute ranked 29 cities in Indonesia on an Index of Islamic City (IKI/Indeks Kota Islami). This situation challenges current internet governance and regulation in Indonesia. In Jakarta Governor Election, social media enables ideological polarization between Ahokers and pro Rizieq Shihab in issues such as tolerance-intolerance, radicalism, Pancasila-Communism. This article confirms that social media has an 'echo chamber' effect and hence polarization remains imminent no matter how diverse the network and information are. There are three discussions: 1) media and ideological polarization both in historical and political perspectives 2) social media as a value creator and an amplifier in the polarization context 3) polarization in Jakarta Governor Election and its potential impact to regulation. This article discusses in what way and to what extent that technology has sharpened this polarization by reviewing literatures, theoretical and conceptual framework of this topic.

ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016

Recent political tension during Jakarta Governor Election was driven by ideology polarization on social media. In Indonesia, social media gives opportunity for public engagement as well as political tool to drive public opinion and social mobilization. – Information and communication technology (ICT) particularly social media based internet has significant impact in democratic process within a country.

Ebook kaelan pendidikan pancasila edisi 2016